Friday, 31 October 2014

Treatment and Pitch


However, the age rating to the film has changed since looking up the BBFC age ratings and finding out that any sign of pain or infliction of it, needs to be rated a 15, so that is what we changed. 

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Interview with practitioner

Questions to ask a film practitioner:
1. What are the key things to do before making a film? 
2. How do you come up with idea's for the film?
3. How do you start writing the story-line for the film?
4. How do you choose the characters?
5. What are the main aspects to a successful film?

I tried to get in contact with the director of popular horror films such as Saw and The Conjuring - James Wan on social media via twitter. However I did not get a response back.

I also tried to get in contact with a horror short film director - David F. Sandberg, but also did not get any response either.

Ethnographic study

I observed a group of people whilst they were watching 'Insidious'. They were all creeped out through hearing the theme tune of the film at the beginning which shows that music and sound can create a sinister atmosphere and build the mood of the film.
The part when a shadow is shown it builds up tension as the music is suspenseful and also the dark lighting creates a creepy atmosphere which made the group of people quieten and focus on whats about to unfold.

The use of conventions such as blood shown in this scene focused the groups attention as they felt scared of what had imprinted the blooded hand on the white sheets. The presence of the unknown kept their attention high.

When the antagonist was shown the group freaked out because it scared them as the figured that it was devil haunting the child who was in a coma. The build up of the loud suspenseful music added more tension as the antagonist was shown only for a brief seconds so the audience is left to ponder and feel shocked.

When the seance takes place the group said they felt anxious as they didn't know what was going to happen next which left them feeling unsure and scared.

During the scene when the father goes to rescue the son, the devils lair is shown and also the devil himself which frightened the group as it silenced them and kept their focus on the scene as they didn't know what was going to happen next. The colors were conventional of a horror film as there were mostly reds and blacks used which created a creepy atmosphere. The use of dark shadows also enhanced this effect and added to the creepiness.

The part when the father goes to search for his son, petrified the group as it was pitch black and dolls were also shown which is another convention of horror films.

During the ending the music and sounds were louder as it built up to the climax which made the group sit at the edge of their seats eager to see what happens next. When the group found out that after all the rescuing the devil when inside the father which the wife discovers when she sees the camera where a picture of a ghost was shown instead of him. This built up the suspense and left the group to wonder what happens to the family.

General questions I asked about what they like and what they dislike about horror films:

Person 1 Likes: horror films with children in it such as Orphan and Chucky as it's more scarier because you expect them to be innocent and then they turn out to be evil which twists the story line.
Dislikes: horror films with a bad story-line such as Smiley because its not interesting and does not engage their attention.

Person 2: Likes: Horror films based on true stories such as paranormal activity as it creates a more sinister atmosphere as you know this has actually happened in real life.
Dislikes: Gory horror movies such as Saw because of all the blood and traps.

Person 3: Likes: Horror films with a twist such as The house at the end of the street as it plays with the mind and makes it much more interesting.
Dislikes: Supernatural films as they are boring such as Sinister because its the same thing over again and its not that scary.

Friday, 3 October 2014

Audience profile

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USA and UK horror films

  • There have been many horror films coming out from the UK then there were before.
  • British horror films take the ideas, themes, structures of North American horror films and in a unique and interesting way, they make them they're own. 
  • For example 'Shaun of the dead' was a zombie movie with comedy as a sub-genre. which was a popular British horror film.
  • British horror films have a lot of creativity involved than the USA which makes they're horror films more original.
  • USA horror films are far more popular and successful because they reach a wider audience through they're actors such as 'Insidious'. 

Top UK horror films:

Top USA horror films:

USA horror films are more popular than UK ones.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Similar horror film to mines

The Conjuring (2013)-Based on true story:

Director: James Wan

Budget: $20 million

Box Office: $318 million


Marketing- The first promotional pictures were released in November 2012. A teaser trailer was shown at the 2012 New York Comic Con, which kicked of the films marketing campaign in February 2013. Throughout the campaign, the film was promoted as 'based on a true story'. In the weeks leading up to the films release, trailers and TV spots  began to feature the real-life Perron family. 

Theatrical release- Warner Bros. and New Line Cinema initially intended to release the film in early 2013, but decided on a summer release date after gaining a positive reaction from test audiences. The film was then released on July 19th in North America, and in the United Kingdom. It was one of the first horror films to receive a wide release in United Stated during the months of June pr July since 2006's 'The Omen'. The world premiere took place June 6th 2013, at the closing night of the first edition of Nocturna: Madrid International Fantastic Film Festival. 

Home Media- The film was released in DVD and Bu-Ray formats by Warner Bros. Home Entertainment on October 22nd 2013.

Target Audience: 

The film certification for the film is a 15 as it contains frightening elements and scenes which the younger audiences may fear. It appeals to the older audiences because it contains mystery in the film and the fact that its based on a true story makes it even more intriguing to watch.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Horror film title analysis

Radio trailer analysis (sounds)

Case 39 (2009):

The trailer for the movie begins with a non-diagetic sound of a strong beat which quickly turns into eerie music. This is added with diagetic sound of the main protagonist talking. Whispers are included which makes it scary The music picks up pace as parents try to kill antagonist before it stops completely. Equilibrium seems to be restored and this is enforced by the use of calm non-diagetic music playing in the background. Diagetic sound of eerie noises such as doors opening begin and the music begins to change. Many sounds are included to add tension. A lot of screams and shouts are included here before the music reaches its climax. This helps the audience wonder if equilibrium is restored or not (cliffhanger).

The Purge (2013):

Non diegetic sound of pianos is used which gives a calm effect at the start, there is also a siren sound used, which builds tension as you fear what will happen at the end of it. There is also some sort of music playing in the background which sounds like opera. This links to the story being set in America trying to give the effect of being the national anthem. As for diegetic sounds, there is more of this as there is dialogue used, things smashing such as glass, an alarm going off, door bell, all which relates to what is happening in the scene, but also these sounds link to the horror genre. Tension builds up near the end as the audience is left to think what happens through the use of loud music, sirens, opera singing and screaming.

Interviewing my target audience

  1. What do you expect from a supernatural film? (codes and conventions)
  2. What type of setting would be expect from a supernatural film?
  3. What type of sound effects would you expect from a supernatural film?
  4. What type of characters would you expect to see in a supernatural film?