I observed a group of people whilst they were watching 'Insidious'. They were all creeped out through hearing the theme tune of the film at the beginning which shows that music and sound can create a sinister atmosphere and build the mood of the film.
The part when a shadow is shown it builds up tension as the music is suspenseful and also the dark lighting creates a creepy atmosphere which made the group of people quieten and focus on whats about to unfold.
The use of conventions such as blood shown in this scene focused the groups attention as they felt scared of what had imprinted the blooded hand on the white sheets. The presence of the unknown kept their attention high.
When the antagonist was shown the group freaked out because it scared them as the figured that it was devil haunting the child who was in a coma. The build up of the loud suspenseful music added more tension as the antagonist was shown only for a brief seconds so the audience is left to ponder and feel shocked.
When the seance takes place the group said they felt anxious as they didn't know what was going to happen next which left them feeling unsure and scared.
During the scene when the father goes to rescue the son, the devils lair is shown and also the devil himself which frightened the group as it silenced them and kept their focus on the scene as they didn't know what was going to happen next. The colors were conventional of a horror film as there were mostly reds and blacks used which created a creepy atmosphere. The use of dark shadows also enhanced this effect and added to the creepiness.
The part when the father goes to search for his son, petrified the group as it was pitch black and dolls were also shown which is another convention of horror films.
During the ending the music and sounds were louder as it built up to the climax which made the group sit at the edge of their seats eager to see what happens next. When the group found out that after all the rescuing the devil when inside the father which the wife discovers when she sees the camera where a picture of a ghost was shown instead of him. This built up the suspense and left the group to wonder what happens to the family.
General questions I asked about what they like and what they dislike about horror films:
Person 1 Likes: horror films with children in it such as Orphan and Chucky as it's more scarier because you expect them to be innocent and then they turn out to be evil which twists the story line.
Dislikes: horror films with a bad story-line such as Smiley because its not interesting and does not engage their attention.
Person 2: Likes: Horror films based on true stories such as paranormal activity as it creates a more sinister atmosphere as you know this has actually happened in real life.
Dislikes: Gory horror movies such as Saw because of all the blood and traps.
Person 3: Likes: Horror films with a twist such as The house at the end of the street as it plays with the mind and makes it much more interesting.
Dislikes: Supernatural films as they are boring such as Sinister because its the same thing over again and its not that scary.